Wagner Spraytech C900134 925e Elite Steamer Multi-Purpose Mop with 20 Accessories for Chemical-Free Steam Cleaning, Hardwood Floors, Tile, and More
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Wagner Spraytech C900134 925e Elite Steamer Multi-Purpose Mop with 20 Accessories for Chemical-Free Steam Cleaning, Hardwood Floors, Tile, and More

Product ID: 92607712
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The HomeRight Steam Machine Elite comes with a new, triangular steam mop to help clean your floors with the power of steam. An accessory storage bag is also included so you can store your nozzles, brushes and other tools between projects. The triangle steam mop and cleaning pad are perfect for use on stained concrete, ceramic tile, linoleum, vinyl, marble, sealed hard wood and granite. The carpet glider accessory is great for freshening carpets, removing dust particles and leaving you with a clean surface. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clean your home’s floors, bathrooms, kitchen, tiles, and windows, look no further! The Steam Machine Elite is a chemical-free way to make your home look brand new again. This new and improved steam cleaner comes with more accessories, meaning you can tackle more projects. The Steam Machine Elite uses pressurized, high-temperature steam to loosen and dissolve dirt, cut grease and grime, expel stains, and clean your surface. This steamer is versatile and can be used for a wide variety of household cleaning projects. Get the most out of this portable steamer by using the included attachments to steam clean various areas of your home. Once the Steam Machine Elite is turned on and water is added, the unit takes approximately 8 minutes to build pressure and heat up. When the steam pressure is built and the trigger is pulled, the Steam Machine Elite delivers up to 290°F of steam to the surface using 55 psi of pressure. The steam allows deep dirt and grime to release. The included microfiber towel can then be used to wipe away the dirty residue so that you’re left with a shining, new surface. This Steam Machine Elite comes with 20 accessories. HomeRight is owned by Wagner Spraytech.

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