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Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-20 Motor Oil, 1-Quart
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Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic 0W-20 Motor Oil, 1-Quart

Product ID: 457784794
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Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic SAE 0W-20 motor oil is made with natural gas, not crude oil. It is a first-of-its-kind full synthetic motor oil made with natural gas and designed for complete protection for top engine performance. Formulated for modern turbocharged engines, Pennzoil Platinum Full Synthetic motor oil keeps pistons up to 45% cleaner than required by the toughest industry standard (based on Sequence IIIH results), provides better fuel economy (based on the latest industry standard), helps protect engines from loss of power, provides unsurpassed wear protection (based on Sequence IVA wear test using SAE 5W-30), and provides excellent performance in extreme temperatures. It is uniquely engineered from our revolutionary PurePlus gas-to-liquid technology, which is a patented process that converts pure natural gas into a high quality, full synthetic base oil. Our high-quality base oil contains fewer impurities than base oils made from crude oil, and when combined with our advanced additive technology creates one of the best formulations in our Pennzoil portfolio. Pennzoil Platinum 0W-20 Full Synthetic motor oil is a carbon neutral motor oil, achieved through verified Nature Based Carbon Credits that offset the CO2 lifecycle emissions. For full details, visit the Pennzoil website. Full synthetic engine oil made with natural gas, not crude, using Pennzoil's patented gas-to-liquid PurePlus Technology Provides better fuel economy — drive on average an extra 550 miles per year (versus a dirty engine) Keeps pistons up to 45% cleaner than the toughest industry standard (based on Sequence IIIH results) No other leading synthetic oil provides better wear protection from friction (based on Sequence IVA wear test using SAE 5W-30) Pennzoil 0W-20 is a carbon neutral motor oil, achieved through verified Nature Based Carbon Credits that offset the CO2 lifecycle emissions Formulated to provide faster low-temperature oil flow and protection in extreme heat Helps protect engines from loss of power Meets or exceeds the following OEM requirements: Chrysler MS-6395; GM dexos1 Gen. 2 (license D10068GE014); Ford WSS-M2C947-B1 Meets or exceeds the requirements of the following industry specifications: API SP, API SP-Resource Conserving; ILSAC GF-6A For a full listing of equipment approvals and recommendations, please consult your local Shell Technical Helpdesk

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago