YIYIBYUS 12 HP 2 Stroke Outboard Motor, 169CC, Gasoline, Manual Start, Transom Mount, Black, Aluminum, For Fishing Boats & Small Yachts
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YIYIBYUS 12 HP 2 Stroke Outboard Motor, 169CC, Gasoline, Manual Start, Transom Mount, Black, Aluminum, For Fishing Boats & Small Yachts

Product ID: 447143383
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Precautions for the use of 2-stroke outboardsThe two-stroke outboard must use a mixture of No.92 gasoline and 2-stroke engine oilThe volume ratio of gasoline and oil during the running-in period of the new machine is 25:1After the running-in period,the volume ratio of gasoline and oil is 50:1Special attention:gasoline and engine oil must be pre-mixed and stirred evenly,and then poured into the fuel tankThe outboard motor must be started in water,do not start the engine on shoreLoosen the vent screw on the fuel tank cover counterclockwise when startingWhen the outboard motor is started,the emergency flameout rope should be inserted,and the other end should be placed on the wrist or beltThe running-in period is about 10 hours or a month,and during the running-in period,do not drive with high acceleratorReplace the gear oil after the running-in period,and the second replacement time is after 100 hours or about 6 monthsDon't do the following will avoid cylinder Scoring:Start the motor in the waterUse the motor when it stop cyling waterSpecificationsDisplacement:169CCGear ratio:2.08(27:13)Cylinder:2Max.speed(r/min):4500-5500Gear Positions:F-N-RPacking size:120*70.5*37.5cmIgnition System:CDICooling System:Water-coolingControl System:Tiller controlStarting System:Manual startControl System:#93 gasolineN.W./G.W.:26kg/33kgBorexStroke(mm):50x43Recommended Propeller Range:3-8.9"x8.5”Recommended Lubricant:2 Stroke Lubricating oilMixing ratio:Fuel:oil=50:1Trim&tilt system:Manual TiltOverall LxWxH:793*320*996cmStandard fuel tank capacity:12LPaking list:Outboard,instruction manual,flameout rope,oil pipe,24 liter fuel tank,tool kit,split pin,spark plug,water pump impeller,starting rope,paper pad

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