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Medicos JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 3--Stardust Crusaders: J. P. Polnareff Super Action Statue
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Medicos JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 3--Stardust Crusaders: J. P. Polnareff Super Action Statue

Product ID: 41534088
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J.P.Pornalef has appeared in Super Action Statue series! JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Super Action Statue is a series of character and Stand figures released by Medicos Entertainment. Figures are moveable and you can enjoy various different poses. Each figure has the "S.A.S: Super Action Statue" logo on the box. The color used for the figures are all supervised by the author Hirohiko Araki. JoJofs Bizarre Adventure (Japanese: JoJo no Kimyo na Boken) is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Hirohiko Araki and published by Shueisha. Being made of multiple parts and each one of those is starring a different protagonist, each nicknamed JoJo, the series is known due to its art and its plotline, notable for supernatural and seemingly bizarre events. Jojofs Bizarre Adventures is currently the second longest running series of the comics run by Shueisha, the publisher of Jump comics. [Medicos Entertainment] founded in 2000, Industry: Toys and Figures Manufacturer. Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan. Medicos Entertainment is a manufacturer of Anime-related Action figures, games and toys, one of it's more popular series being Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The company has created several models of stand and characters alike ranging from Phantom Blood to JoJolion. Their most popular product series are the Super Action Statues, featuring several pose-able character-based figures.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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