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Isaac Jacobs 8x10 Gold Metal Glitter (Vertical & Horizontal) Picture Frame, with Black Fabric Easel, Wall-Mountable, Made for Tabletop, Counterspace, Shelf and Desk (8x10, Gold Glitter)
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Isaac Jacobs 8x10 Gold Metal Glitter (Vertical & Horizontal) Picture Frame, with Black Fabric Easel, Wall-Mountable, Made for Tabletop, Counterspace, Shelf and Desk (8x10, Gold Glitter)

Product ID: 388365202
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This Isaac Jacobs gold glitter metal picture frame provides a burst of sparkling personality to any interior space in the home. This stunning frame has thin, metallic edges that surround a glimmering border area. The border is designed with shimmering flecks that have the brilliance of glitter and draw attention to your favorite photographs. Light is reflected in a beautiful way off this elegant frame and its shine will brighten up any room. Place an old black-and-white family photo in this frame and you may be transported back to the time it was taken. Display a print of your baby smiling inside the radiant frame and it will fill you with a sense of warmth. Take snapshots of your child’s everyday moments of cuteness and turn them into timeless treasures in this frame. This frame is intended to beautifully display 8” x 10” photos. Whether you place this frame on a mantlepiece or accent cabinet, the sturdy, yet soft, fabric easel will allow this narrow frame to rest solidly, vertically, or horizontally, on any desktop. It is easy to put photos in this frame. Simply pull out the backing and replace photos. This modern frame with a glamorous allure comes with two hooks to hang on the wall in portrait or landscape mode. Whether you are framing an artist print, or a beautiful portrait shot, this picture frame will help transform blank walls and a series of these frames can turn any wall into a home art gallery. The frame’s charming quality makes it ideal to use as a display frame at big events like wedding receptions, or anniversaries. The sparkling glitter frame will be just as appreciated on your parents’ armoire as it will be on your teenager’s nightstand, and it makes fun dorm décor. Share the joy these decorative frames bring you with your friends and family, as they make a thoughtful gift for the holidays or any season. We spend so much time flipping through images on screens all day, it feels good to see our memories and passions preserved in style.

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