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Generic Metrozon Flash Cards for Toddlers 1 2 3 4 Years Old, 192 Learning Cards, Learn Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Animal, Nature - Educational Interactive Talking Toy Flashcards Kids, CX-E01
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Generic Metrozon Flash Cards for Toddlers 1 2 3 4 Years Old, 192 Learning Cards, Learn Alphabet, Numbers, Colors, Animal, Nature - Educational Interactive Talking Toy Flashcards Kids, CX-E01

Product ID: 371673382
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Planning to start teaching your baby new words? Using flashcards is one of the most effective means of introducing new and unfamiliar words with visuals to toddlers. They've been used as children educational toys, and remain to be a popular pre school flash cards tool up to this day. However, learning with traditional flashcards isn't always appealing to kids. Many find them boring, plus they won't be able to learn unless you're there to teach them. Hence, these baby visual stimulation cards is what you need to effectively engage your baby and inspire independent learning. These Early tiggly shapes interactive learning Educational Flashcards from Metrozon help make learning vocabulary much more fun! These electronic flashcards are sure to get your toddler's attention. The talking flashcards machine will have your children giggling with delight, and they won't get enough of the colorful pictures on the flashcards. The cards are coated to preserve the quality of the images printed on them. This talking flash reader is also easy and convenient to use. Simply insert the card into the slot and the machine will automatically scan and say the word printed on the card. The "Repeat" button allows the child to listen again to the word without having to remove and re-insert the card. There is also a volume adjustment button. With their cute designs and functionality, these educational toys are perfect additions to any kid's toybox. They're also great for use in early childhood classrooms like preschools and kindergarten, as well as for homeschooling toddlers. Here's what's included in the package: - Flashcard scanner - 130 double-sided flashcards - USB charging cable; power adapter not included - Product Manual - Rechargeable battery Make playtime a fun-filled learning opportunity. Add the Metrozon flashcards for toddlers 2-4 years to your cart TODAY!

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